Groups & Bible Study
Life Group: Lead by Dave Bowers
8:45 am-10:15 am meets at the church
Life Group: Study of Nehemiah Lead by Dave DeVries
6:oo pm in the Fellowship Hall
Youth Group (7th-12th grade): Lead by Matt and Amanda Fassler
6:00 pm-8:00 pm in the Ministry Center
September - April
AWANA (Pre K - 6th grade): Director Chris Harrison
4:00 pm-5:45 pm in the Ministry Center
September - April

Widows for Christ Lead by Marty Bartelt
2:00 pm the 1st Tuesday of the month
Call church office for location
Bethel Women of Prayer
1:00 pm Meets in the church
Young Adults Group: Equipped Lead by Marcie and Mark Slagter
5:30 pm in the Ministry Center

Lead by Matt and Hailey Whittaker