What We Believe
The Bible is the Word of God and our final authority for faith and Christian living. The universe is the purposeful creation of a personal, loving, almighty God. All humanity is made in the image of the Creator and is of infinite worth. The world is cursed by sin as a result of human rebellion against God. Suffering, death, and separation from God is the common experience of humanity. Without God's grace, this is humanity's fate for eternity.
Jesus Christ offers new and eternal life to everyone who believes that He was:
- The Son of God in the flesh
- Born from a virgin
- Sinless in the life He lived
- Sacrificed on the cross
- Resurrected the third day and ascended into heaven
Jesus Christ will return to our world, ending history as we know it, beginning the final judgment, and welcoming believers into his eternal kingdom.
The Holy Spirit lives in believers and enables us to live our lives publicly and privately according to the principles taught in God's Word. The Christian faith is lived in the community of the church. We express our faith in our worship of God and our witness to others using the spiritual gifts God has given us.
Our Core Values
The following core values are foundational to our mission:
We aspire to bring glory to God the Father; follow Christ, His Son, as the head of the church; and be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
We acknowledge the Bible, divinely inspired and inerrant in the original writings, as the final authority for all believers in matters of faith, doctrine and life.
We recognize prayer as an essential discipline of the church and Christian life, and must be drawn upon faithfully and in every situation and circumstance
We seek to do our part in fulfilling our Lord’s own Great Commission to the church.
We Gather in relationship with one another, as a believing community with Christ as our Lord, for worship, prayer, edification, fellowship and to use our spiritual gifts for the good of the church.
Our Process
Encounter: We help one another see Jesus and experience his saving grace.
Equip: We help one another learn to know Jesus and walk in obedience to him.
Engage: We help one another join in God’s mission both inside and outside our church.
Bethel is a local connection of the World-Wide Evangelical Congregational Church. Visit the World-Wide EC Church Center Website to learn how we partner with other local and global congregations to fulfill the Great Commission.